This article is for telling you that how a shirt comes out and put in the store and if we want to have our own shirt brand, what should we do.

Firstly, I want to share with you that before a shirt will be put in the store, it is not easy. Now, we will tell you, if we want to have our own shirt brand, what should we do?

Thai Printing will share with you that how a shirt of your own shirt brand comes from, what the plan is and what we should do. Let's go.

Whether "a small or large business" the most important thing to achieve the goal is making a plan and get to your plan and do it.

Let see 5 steps before 1 shirt comes.


1. Find your pattern and design your shirt
Firstly, you need to set the target group and style for your product.
Second, you should have your shirt pattern, type according to your target group, and make an identity of your brand for being brand recognition.

2. Pick your materials in the production process and work style; printing, screening, or lacing
After we get the pattern, we have to choose materials for our product that we want to do. If you don't where should you start, we can search in your notebook what kind of materials suitable for your business. Or else, you can see from the customer's viewpoint, if you want to wear a shirt, what kind of materials and pattern do we like; should be printing, screening or lacing, etc.

3. Create a pattern and make your shirt sample
This is an important process. We can see our designed shirt with your model size in order to promote your product. So, your shirt should be fit to your model as well, or turn yourself to be model.

4. Fitting and summary design for the production order
After we get the sample shirt, it is time to try on that it is what we want or not. If not good enough, we can edit it before putting it into the production and sales. But if you are already satisfied, you can suddenly start the production.

5. QC your product
This is the last step. We need to check that the shirt that we order is similar to our sample or not, also the quantity. Now, we are ready to sell.

Whatever small or big business, the most important thing is how to plan. The information that we educate is already complete or not before we start to do it. Because it can save much more time and damage that could happen. If you have ever tried what your love, you will never regret what you have done.

"Love, educate & enjoy what you do, the result will greater you thought"